A day in the life of a codeveloper

code, coffee and creative masterpieces

Moin, you might be wondering: What does a typical day of a codeveloper actually look like? We have a diverse group of developers and everyone has their own style and preferences. Even though every day is unique, here's an overview of a typical day in the life of a codeveloper. Let's go!

The daily battle with the snooze button
Among our codevelopers, everything is represented, from early risers to morning grouches. Between 6.00 and 8.30 am, however, the alarm clock rings for most of them. After getting up, you freshen up, do some stretches or go for a morning run to prepare your body for the day. But not everyone is active in the morning, which is why some people only hit the snooze button two or three times.


Coffee in hand, code in mind
- let's conquer the software world!

Before they get to work, some have breakfast and others take a look at Twitter, Reddit or TikTok to find out about the latest trends. Coffee as an elixir of life or energy drink as a turbo boost? Of course, a caffeine drink to start the day is a must.

Off to the office or working from home
- the agony of choice for our home office heroes

As you know, our codevelopers are spread all over the globe. Accordingly, most of them have their workplace at home. Some, however, are based in Rostock and can decide whether they want to work in the office or remotely from home. They go to the office by car, on foot or by bike - fortunately, most of them don't have that far to go.

Inbox madness or master of the mail-box?
Most codevelopers start their work between 8.00 and 9.30 am. The daily battle with digital paperwork begins. The Teams app is checked, emails are answered and systems are updated to be best prepared before the real work starts. In addition, tasks for the day are set, noted and planned.

Chasing bugs, creating features - a day of developer heroics begins
Now it's time to set up the development environment. Our codevelopers are involved in various projects. In the morning, they often have short meetings with the clients to discuss the current status of the projects and address potential challenges. There is also a lively exchange between the codevelopers to find solutions and work together efficiently.

Multitasking like a Boss
There is a multitude of tasks to be done. First, all the necessary microservices are started to ensure a smooth workflow. Useful Gitlab tickets are opened and communication with colleagues is usually done via Slack or Teams. Open merge requests are checked and coordination with the other developers takes place - teamwork is the main focus here.

Between code break and lunch break
Es war viel zutun, aber jetzt ist erstmal Zeit für eine wohlverdiente Mittagspause. Bei den meisten werden zwischen 13.00 und 15.00 Uhr alle Programme geschlossen und der Schreibtisch verlassen. Ob Zuhause mit einem selbstgekochten Gericht oder eben schnell in den Supermarkt für einen Mikrowellensnack, gegessen wird bei fast allen. Danach legen manche einen kurzen Powernap ein für einen extra Energie-Boost. Im Büro werden die Pausen gerne zusammen verbracht: Es wird gegessen und gequatscht – eins unserer Lieblingsthemen sind Gaming, interessante Blogs und Fußball (der Hansa Rostock natürlich 😉). Hier wird der Beamer im Büro auch gerne mal umfunktioniert, um in der Pause alle wichtigen Spielinfos zu bekommen.

The afternoon: Caffeine friends and the search for the "bug" of the day
After the break, it's back to the daily tasks with renewed energy and full commitment. The afternoon offers the opportunity to continue working on the projects, but also general code writing, debugging, research (a lot of research XD) and other tasks on the program. Our codevelopers are always striving to develop innovative solutions and produce high-quality code.

Finally closing time: From gaming marathons to reading tech blogs
That's it for today! For most, the workday ends between 5.00 and 7.00 pm. The preferences of our codevelopers are quite different, but they all have one thing in common: clearing their heads and relaxing! It doesn't matter if it's with the cats on the sofa, with a gaming session and snacks or run around the block. We also like to end the day with friends or cook something delicious.

Code dreams or debugging nightmares?
Code never sleeps, but most of us still go to bed between 23.00 and 01.00 - even codedevelopers need their beauty sleep. Time to reboot and recharge for the next day. Tomorrow it starts all over again!

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